Consumer Products
Consumer Goods sector is a category of stocks and companies that relate to items purchased by individuals and households rather than by manufacturers and industries.
The Consumer Products Industry is responsible for manufacturing and marketing everything starting from food, beverages, toiletries, and small appliances. The manufacturers handle the acquisition of raw materials from suppliers, processing the raw materials to end products for the consumers, and marketing the products to the end customers, distributors, retailers, and wholesalers. This sector includes companies involved with food production, packaged goods, clothing, beverages, automobiles, and electronics. Marketing, advertising, and brand differentiation are key considerations for business strategy in this sector.
Sector Expertise
Consumer goods are classified into two categories, durable and non-durable. Furthermore, the overall consumer goods sector can be broken down across many different industries. When the economy is growing, consumer demand grows and the sector automatically sees an increase in demand for higher-end products and decreases when there is an increase in the relative demand for value products.
Modern Internet technology has been enormously impacting the consumer goods sector. The ways products are manufactured, distributed, marketed, and sold have all fully changed over the past few decades. Digital transformation has become now an important aspect in every business and is considered to be an urgent priority for consumer products brands.
VYQDA helps in finding the right way of developing the digital capabilities that contribute to power consumer-centric innovation. With our products, you can have advanced data collection and analysis, AI, a digital supply chain, and other enhancements that create value.
VYQDA focuses on demand-centric growth approaches to guide to build a strong growth potential. Our AI applications help in driving impressive growth in fast-moving consumer goods. From demand forecasting to individualized store-level assortment to AI-powered cost-reduction strategies, we help you define your best opportunities and build a robust model that proves AI’s benefit in today’s economic uncertainty.